Wednesday, November 5, 2014

meanwhile...2 years later...

After I dug around in my 3 boxes of pieces and parts from Bonnie Hunter's Quiltville Easy Street mystery which became a UFO in 2012 I assessed the situation.  I thought I was in fair shape.  I remembered doing the four patches and cutting a lot of triangles.  I had photos of clues complete.  Ok, I can do this...  I went clue by clue to check my progress and to find out where to begin.  So here's where I restarted.  
Everything organized and labeled

And this is clue #3.

And, I am almost finished with recreating the list four patches.  Yay!


  1. Looking good, one clue at a time it will sew up quickly!

  2. Looking good!! Keep going....

  3. I love the colors! And getting it all organized is definitely the first step!


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